Thursday, 15 December 2011

Target Audience For Thriller Opening

For our thriller opening we felt that our target audience was for for late teens and young adults. This was because thriller films nowadays are more viewed by a younger generation. The film was intended for both genders, however, in the film there is a bias as two of our main protagonists are male and the other one is female. This film is available for anyone, however due to the sheer size of the country estate we film at it may be more attractive to a wealthier audience.  

The Last Lane, Questionnaire Results

  1. Could you estimate the time of day during the film?
    Morning: 7
    Noon: 4
    Evening: 9
    Night: 0

    We mostly got good results from this question as the majority of people who answered believed it to be evening which is what we were looking for although a moderate amount also believed that it was the morning but the amount wasn't enough to consider re-editing the film and moving it into Adobe After Effects.

  2. Were there smooth transition between shots?
    Yes: 15
    No: 1
    Didn't Notice: 4

    We found that most of the audience did in fact think that the transitions were smooth which was great as one of our main concerns was that the 'bittiness' of the shots was going to come across as a lack of editing skill rather than adding to the effect of the movie. One person said that our transitions weren't smooth but when asked for a reason they simply wrote “Some panning shots are a bit”. So we looked at our panning shots and decided that after the fairly useless comment we wouldn't change it. And lastly 4 of our audience didn't notice our transitions which was okay as we know they aren't the most prominent feature of our film, also it is important to remember that we simply screened the film to a group of our peers and not film critics or experts so it's fairly normal to not pay complete attention to our transitions.

  3. Did you find the opening effective in drawing you into the story?
    Yes: 18
    No: 1
    “Sort of”: 1

    Most of our audience found our opening did want to draw them into the story, for such reasons as they wanted to see what would happen next, there was a cliffhanger, the use of music was effective and it simply kept them interested. This was obviously great as Jack took a long time on the music making it work alongside the visuals, and we also took time to frame the shots well using the weather we had i.e. mist etc. One person said that it sort of found it effective in that it left lots of questions unanswered which was good but it was in fact too slow so therefore didn't draw them in.Lastly one person said no as it was they didn't really understand it. So we looked at our thriller and to perhaps make it more clear of the times that the videos were taken we put dates and times on the video of emily as a child and also of Liam cycling up the driveway. This also solves the problem of people thinking that the video is taking place early in the morning.

  4. Do you think the ending of our opening was appropriate for a thriller film?

    We found here again that most people thought that the opening was appropriate, reasons people gave were, there was a cliffhanger, it was mysterious, leaves questions unanswered and because you're completely focused on it. One person said yes and no, because of slight continuity errors such as when Liam gets off his bike then back on the go up to the house, we decided that perhaps it wasn't clear enough that Liam saw something then went up the house, but in all honesty we couldn't think of any way we could change this without re-shooting. So we decided to risk it and leave it a it was as it wasn't the majority who were concerned about why he got off his bike.

  5. Would you pay to watch the entire film?
    Yes: 12
    No: 8

    Here we had the majority who would pay to see the entire film but also quite a few who wouldn't, while at no point am I trying to make excuses I think maybe the question should have been worded better. As it may have come across as “Would you pay around £5-7 to watch this 2 minute clip at the cinema” rather than “If this were made into a feature length film would you pay to see it”. I also think this as one comment was 'No, I wouldn't because it's 2 minutes long”

  6. Do you feel this film is true to the thriller genre?
    Yes: 18
    No: 2

    With this question it's important to remember that not everyone in the audience would know much about the ideas of thriller genres, but I think it was important to see if the people who would be watching the film and paying to see it thought it was.

  7. Which gender are you?
    Male: 6
    Female: 14

    This was just to see if there may have been a correlation between the amount of people there and whether it was the gender difference that made some of them like the film and others not. Stereotypically males would like thrillers more but here we saw that we got mostly good feedback even though the majority of our audience was female.

  8. How old are you?
    15-16: 5
    17-18+: 15

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